The Greehey Family Foundation
The Greehey Family Foundation's emphasis is on supporting health and human welfare issues, children's causes, education, and the homeless. And because the needs of the community are wide, the Foundation is set up and positioned to meet an almost unlimited range of needs within these areas. In its brief history, the Foundation has already granted nearly one billion dollars to hundreds of causes, ranging from a new stove so that a struggling grandmother raising her 10 grandchildren could provide warm meals for them, to a $25 million grant to the University of Texas Health Science Center to fund children's cancer research and treatment.

Funding is provided to non-profit organizations throughout San Antonio and Bexar County at the discretion of the Foundation's Board of Directors, which is composed of Bill Greehey and family members. The Board meets biannually to review grant requests, but funds can be granted any time during the year as special needs arise.

The Foundation will operate in perpetuity and will continue to be funded by the Greehey family to improve the lives of individuals and families for generations to come.

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Grant Application Guidelines

To apply for a grant from The Greehey Family Foundation, organizations need to meet the following criteria:

  • Grants are primarily awarded to agencies with programs and services in Bexar County. The Foundation may consider requests from outside Bexar County as long as they meet the funding goals of supporting health and human welfare issues, children's causes, education, and the homeless.
  • Organizations must be exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Funding is to be used to directly meet specific needs within the community, so the Foundation does not typically support fundraising event sponsorships or teams. For an event/team sponsorship to be considered, please send an email to as this type of request falls outside of the grant application process. Please provide the event details, including the date, location, sponsorship levels, honoree (if applicable), etc. Allow 60 days for consideration.
  • The Foundation typically awards an agency only one grant per year. Grant recipients must re-apply each year.
  • While the Foundation may consider a multi-year grant, the majority are for one year only.
  • The Foundation does not require a Letter of Inquiry.

As part of the application process, the following items will need to be provided:

  • The organization's purpose and history. (Provide a website if available.)
  • Proof of 501(c)(3) status.
  • The nature and extent of the problem you plan to address.
  • How the proposed effort relates to the Foundation's program goals.
  • The program objectives, number of unduplicated individuals to be positively impacted, expected outcomes, etc.
  • Timeline of proposed activities.
  • A breakdown of the project budget and the agency’s overall operations budget.
  • A list of current funders with amounts.
  • A list of the agency’s Board of Directors (if applicable).
  • The amount requested from the Foundation.
  • Percentage of the amount requested to both the program's total budget and the organization’s overall budget.
  • If a recipient of funds from a previous year, then the agency is required to submit, at the time of application, a report showing that funds were used as requested and that outcomes were achieved (if applicable).

Please note that the Foundation’s decision does not reflect on the value of the project, but is rather our attempt to meet our funding criteria and to balance resources.  

Grant Application Funding Schedule

The Funding Schedule is subject to change. All grant applications must be uploaded to our website no later than 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date indicated below.  

Grant Application Deadlines (subject to change)          Grants Considered/Awarded

Spring Funding Cycle: April 1                                              Spring Board Meeting

Fall Funding Cycle: September 30                                        Fall Board Meeting

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